2007 LA/PE1ITR dxpedition to JP31 square
(2009-08-21) PE1ITR
In the summer of 2007 I have the square JP31 activated on 144MHz via Meteor Scatter. It was part of my vacation so I have been qrv for only a few days. The equipment consisted of a IC706MK2G + PA 100W + 9 el DL7ZB. The whole was fed from the battery of the car.
I have every station sent a QSL card. Below a picture of the front:

5 august 2007

qtf 180 takeoff from jp31gs

qrv from la/pe1itr jp31gs:
05/08/2007 08:32 on7uc 26 R26 C
05/08/2007 08:37 dk5ew 27 R26 C
05/08/2007 08:42 pa5km 27 R27 C
05/08/2007 08:56 on7gb 27 R27 C
05/08/2007 08:57 on4khg 28 R27 C
05/08/2007 09:14 dg5aag 27 R27 C
05/08/2007 09:19 pa4eme 27 R27 C
05/08/2007 09:22 df6yl 26 R27 C
05/08/2007 10:19 DL8BDU 27 R27 C
05/08/2007 11:08 oh3aww 26 R27 C
05/08/2007 11:34 pa0jmv 28 R27 C
05/08/2007 12:02 f1mpq 26 R26 C
05/08/2007 12:15 g4dez 26 R26 C
05/08/2007 13:56 sp2jyr 26 R26 C
05/08/2007 14:10 sp6gwb 26 R26 C
05/08/2007 14:33 pa1t R27 26 C sh msg
05/08/2007 14:47 pa1gys 26 R26 C
05/08/2007 15:07 pa1vw 27 R28 C
05/08/2007 15:15 pa3ecu 28 R26 c
05/08/2007 15:21 PA0PVW 27 r26 c
05/08/2007 15:35 PE1RLF 26 R26 C
05/08/2007 15:59 F6HVK 26 R27 c
05/08/2007 16:04 DJ9CZ 27 R28 C
laptop restart
05/08/2007 17:17 gm4cxm 26 R26 C
05/08/2007 17:49 pe9dx 26 R26 c
I heard more stations. sry for all stations who called and couldn't work me.
LA/PE1ITR is now qrt, maybe cu next time
I made a plot from JP31GS.

Entry for August 2, 2007

I tried again from JP31GX this morning to see what I good do, but found very marginal reflections.
Heard DG5AAG calling. Called him 30 minutes but no response. Received some good reflections from PA1VW. Called him about 60 minutes but nothing. Received one reflection from SP2MKO.
Decided to stop activities from this qth and drive up the mountains to a better spot.
See you 5 aug.
Entry for August 1, 2007

LA/PE1ITR JP31GX Picture Takeoff qtf 180 degrees. Mountains at 5 degrees elevation. Not a good VHF location.
We arrived at our vacation location. Just for a test I setup the station to see what it does at this location. I could make a nice qso with PA3CEE. So its possible here for stations around 1000km QRB.
Planned is to be qrv 2007-8-5 from a better location. I try from this location next days in the morning and evenings.
Entry for July 31, 2007

QRV this morning from JO79FF. Worked ON7GB random and heard DK5EW calling me.
Entry for July 30, 2007
This evening qrv from JO79FF as SM/PE1ITR. It turned out not so good VHF location, but I had 220V electricity.
Some stations, PA3CEE, PE1NFE, S54T heard who called me on my cq, but we couldn't make a complete qso.
Tomorrow we are heading for JP31 /JP32
Entry for July 29, 2007 part2

28/7/2007 08:02 RX1AS 26 R37 144.385
29/7/2007 06:34 F6HVK 26 R27 144.357
29/7/2007 07:13 DL5AG R27 27 144.357
29/7/2007 07:23 F4CYZ 26 R27 144.357
Entry for July 29, 2007

I'am QRV as SM/PE1ITR from JO76JN for a few days each morning.
Rig: IC-706MK2 + 9 el dk7zb yagi. Power from car battery.
Entry for July 17, 2007
9 elements DK7ZB yagi antenna made. This will be used for /p activities.