UHF Activity Report IARU Contest october 2020
(2020-10-07) PE1ITR
I have been in the VERON IARU UHF October contest qrv on the 70cm band only. The antenna setup was simple and consisted of 2x16 elements Flexayagi on a 5.5 meter high mast. I placed this mast in a parasol base in the garden. No rotor was used so I had to go out every now and then to aim. In general, most activity was around 110 degrees azimuth so it was fine without a rotor. The trannceiver was an FT818 at 28 MHz. With a transverter it went to 432 MHz. Output power was 400 watts.
The radio horizon has many obstacles in my QTH. Basically 99 degrees over south to 280 degrees is pretty free. Mainly towards 140 degrees blocking by high buildings, but strangely enough QSO's in that direction sometimes go well. QSOs succeed by using aircraft scatter.
The propagation conditions were unusually bad. I have had to work many stations with the help of Airscout by means of airplane reflections. Normally I can always work OE5D, but this time only heard and then not found on the tape. Also OK1RN only heard over a distance of 700 km. Ultimately, 52 QSOs could be made with 15325 points. the furthest station was OL3Z over 635 km. The google map on this web page shows the qsos.
Antenna Setup


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