VHF and contest july 2020
(2020-07-06) PE1ITR
In the VERON 144 Mhz and higher contest on the weekend of July 4 and 5, 2020, I participated only on 144 MHz.
I used a more or less fixed antenna direction without a rotor. The antenna is placed at a height of 6m on a pole in the garden. This time I had a little test at the beginning using stach from 2x 10 elemets DL6WU and comparing it to a single 9 elements DK7ZB yagi.
Also in the contest I was again amazed that you can work nice distances with such a low-mounted antenna system. Best dx was OK1KCR 757 km.

Antenna comparison
Before the contest I listened to DB0MMO (PI beacon) for half a long time and measured the signal levels.
The 2x 10 elements also gave a 2 dB higher noise level in the reception. I no longer have the antenna on the roof because the noise level in some directions from solar panels, LED lamps etc is very high. Placing the antenna low to the ground turned out to be the solution.
In the comparison, the SNR between the two antenna doesn't matter much. The 2x10 was maybe 0.4 db better. Transmitted the 2x10 was a bit better.
In itself an interesting finding that it doesn't matter much. In the next contest I use again a single yagi because much easier to set up..
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