PE1ITR is the callsign of a dutch amateur radio station located in Eindhoven, The Netherlands. QTH-locator is JO21QK. I am Rob Hardenberg, the operator of the amateur radio station and licensed since 1981.

This website is dedicated to my VHF-UHF-SHF weaksignal operations, radio propagation studies, Earth-Moon-Earth communication experiments and satellite activities. I have a blog in which I regularly report on these activities.
I maintain a real-time Sporadic E-Skip dxalert system. Also running a DX Cluster. Online Magnetometer.

In a changing station setup active in the frequencybands: 50MHz, 70MHz, 144MHz, 432MHz, 1296MHz, 2320MHz, 3400MHz and 10368MHz in SSB/CW, FM, Digital Modes and Amateur Television. I regularly listen to broadcast stations at long distance at: 65-72MHz (OIRT), 88-108MHz (FM Broadcast), 175-230MHz (DAB) with adequate equipment.
Lately I've been very interested in Reduced Bandwidth Digital Amateur Television (RB-DATV). I really enjoy RB-DATV Dxing and contesting on VHF-UHF (51.7 MHz, 144.6 MHz, 436-438 MHz with DVB-S/S2, DVB-T).

Member of VERON. QSL directly or via the QSL-Bureau. I am participating in the LoTW. This is my page. Pse contact me for skeds.

This website is created on 23 aug 2003; Last modified on


144MHz 3x9el owl 144MHz 9el DK7ZB 432MHz EME 4x16el DK7ZB

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